Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Learning Outside the Classroom: Making Books

This semester I'm taking a Photo and Book Arts class. Yesterday's class was held at the Center for Book Arts in New York. If you've never been there, and have any interest in books whatsoever, it's a small but wonderful space.

We learned how to make a traditional hardcover book (which we'll fill with photos and/or text of our own later) and got to look around at their current exhibits and stock of handmade writers chapbooks.

I took a few photos of the current exhibits. The concept of "book" is expanded quite a bit, especially in some of these more sculptural pieces like one above.

Our class is planning to go back near the end of the semester; really looking forward to it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Campus Plaza, Infrared-Style

If you're a fan of photography and haven't been to the Dana Room on the 4th Floor of the Dana Library in a while, you'll definitely want to head over to check out the set of photos on display there by librarian Ed Berger. Below are two of his campus plaza photographs:

Ed also has some beautiful black and white jazz photography on display in the Jazz Institute lobby, which you can view online at

Monday, February 9, 2009

Winter Break in India

Last month I posted photos from one of our professors who went to Africa for winter break. But it's not just the professors who are well traveled at Rutgers-Newark. Here are some gorgeous photos from Ronak Patel of his trip to India.

From top left: 1. Great shot at sunset from sunset point atop Mount Abu; 2. The hardworking yet lazy Sleeping camel...something seen everywhere in India; 3. one of the 4 towers surrounding the Taj Mahal, placed at 110° angle pointed away from the palace so that if an earthquake were to occur they would fall away from the taj mahal - also known for assisting people with psychological and financial problems to jump to their deaths...from their choice of door. (what a choice!); 4. View of the ''9th wonder of the world''-The Taj Mahal; 5. National Kite Flying day - Jan. 13-16. Where the sky is filled with colors of the various kites flown; 6. Shot of day before national kite flying day known as ''Utryan''...people everywhere selling kites on sidewalks and stores

From top left: 1. Indian style construction; 2. Cows are EVERYWHERE, which is something you actually miss seeing once you come back to the states; 3. closeup view of Jaipur from top of fort; 4 . line of camels along the highway; 5. Awa Mahel (Air Castle)..only building known at least in India which was built with no foundation at all. The building is supported by the two on its side and is not standing on its own.

You can view more of Ronak's photos of India on Facebook: Album 1 and Album 2

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Liyana Concert

Last Thursday we had a very special musical group perform at the Robeson Center. Liyana, and Afro-fusion group, comes all the way from Zimbabwe and made a stop at Rutgers-Newark for a free concert on their tour of the US.

Carol McLaughlin and Sarah Rahman from the Rutgers-Newark Observer submitted these great photos.

The members of Liyana range from 17-23 years old, and are extraordinary not only because of their musical talent, but also due to the fact that each member was born with severe disabilities. On their tour, Liyana performed at Disneyland, Stanford University, NJPAC, the House of Blues and MacWorld. Liyana performed their music to a packed audience at the Robeson Center.

You can read more about the members of Liyana at: