Friday, May 29, 2009

More Happy Graduates...

I've been getting a steady stream of photos since graduation - it's getting hard keeping up with y'all! At left, Rosemary Kuria sent this photo (of herself?) from the Graduate School/SPAA graduation.

Below, a Social Work grad, Mitchell LaDean, sends in these two photos - look at that huge grin...

Robert Marasco sent in this group below of more MPA graduates. Clockwise from top left: Renotha & Kevin, Veronica & Phil, Joyce Lanier, Robert Marasco, and Melissa & Joyce.

Congratulations to all of you! Now my only question is: where are the Nursing, Criminal Justice, and Law graduates? I haven't heard from any of you yet...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Business School Grads

Germaine Benemile sent me this great group of photos from the Business School graduation last week, where he was among the largest Rutgers Business School graduating class yet! It was sunny and warm, a great day for the walk to NJPAC, where the actual ceremony was held. Newark Mayor Cory Booker spoke at the ceremony this year (seen below, top left). Afterwards, I caught him tweeting about how proud he was of Rutgers-Newark (yes, our mayor is on Twitter!)

Thanks Germaine, for these photos! And thanks to the others who've sent me photos in the past few days. I'll be posting more! For more from the Business School graduation, check out our photo gallery.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

SPAA Grads

I've been getting quite a few photos from the School of Public Affairs & Administration (SPAA) grads over the past few days. Below are some from Joshua Holmes 

This next one is from the Pi Alpha Alpha awards ceremony, sent in by Maite Rios

More from the graduation:

I'll be posting more from all the graduations as I get them in - for a complete list of all the ceremonies, including the official FASN/UC photo gallery, speaker transcripts and more, visit 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

MFA Graduation

Graduation festivities have been underway all this week at Rutgers.

Yesterday afternoon was the Graduate School and School of Public Affairs & Administration ceremony. This year, 17 students from the inaugural MFA class graduated as part of that group. Fittingly enough, the speaker was director of the program, Jayne Anne Phillips, who's been touring in support of her highly acclaimed novel Lark & Termite all semester. One of the grads in the fiction concentration, Paul Vidich, sent me some great candid shots of our classmates. (I took some of the podium shots).

Remember these faces, you never know who's going to become the next Pulitzer Prize winner.

Congratulations all of you!! The program is going to miss you next year... 

Tomorrow afternoon is our big undergraduate ceremony at NJPAC, watch for me wandering around with our official photographer. And if you took/plan to take any great photos or video, be sure to send them over!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ja Kunst!

Last week the graphic design students celebrated the end of the semester with an art show and party at the Jajo Gallery. The best pieces from each design class were selected by a faculty jury and displayed for the night. I stopped by for a bit and saw amazing posters, illustration, and other work.

David Mizak, a Visual Arts student, sent me these photos. (Actually, I accosted him with my card when I saw him wandering around with a camera, but he was nice enough to oblige.)

At right, faculty and student teams line up in anticipation of the night's events.

Below, professors Manny Cacciatore, Ned Drew, and Nick Kline arrange the student artwork along the display wall.

The students and faculty teams came complete with team 'uniforms' like team Jar, in the purple underpants, and team Sand, ready for a swim in the kiddie pool (both pictured below).

You didn't expect designers to just show up in a boring t-shirt, did you?

Events included a mini-golf competition set up on a homemade course throughout the gallery space. Both students and faculty joined in on the fun.

The Jajo Gallery is on Orange St. in Newark and is run by two lovely ladies, at least one of whom is a Rutgers-Newark graduate. For more information on their shows and goings-on, visit their blog at

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Open House

Every April Rutgers in Newark holds an Open House for anyone interested in learning more about us or attending - we had a gorgeous day for it this year, sunny and very warm.

There was a large turnout of interested students, parents and friends, and Magdalena Kucharski, who works in Admissions, and her husband Marcin took these great photos throughout the day.

At left, a Rutgers volunteer leads a small group down New St. Plaza on a tour.

Below, volunteers gather underneath the Rutgers-Newark arch for a group photo.

Information tables were set up in the Norman Samuels Plaza by various campus groups and departments:

Another group of prospective students:

View of the New Street Plaza from above:

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring Blosssoms

It doesn't feel like it with all the cold and rain we're getting around here this week, but it's well into spring already. Brian Biglin took these photos a couple of weeks ago and sent them in with the following captions.

Easter Sunday morning on campus:
Spring arrives outside the dorms:
The pink tree blossoms look beautiful. Thanks for reminding us what the campus looks like in sunshine!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nursing Student Research Day

Just got these photos in from the College of Nursing's honors scholars research day on April 13. Thirteen outstanding students presented on a variety of topics to their faculty and peers. Photos were taken by Fred Stucker.

At left, one of the students presents on "BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 Effects on Colon Cancer." Below, student Jackie Kaczerski with Dr. Robert Atkins

Leigh Adams presents "Attitudes Regarding Prioritization of Familial Responsibilities Among Low Income Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Women"Group photo of the students and faculty mentors

There are more photos of the event on the Rutgers-Newark photo gallery: View entire set