Friday, October 15, 2010

Why do so many students in urban areas drop out of high school?

Taimer Singleton, Program Coordinator for the Abbott Leadership Institute sent me this video.

It's a teaser to the documentary called Dropped created by the Youth Media Symposium under the Abbott Leadership Institute, which is under the leadership of Junius Williams. The documentary explores why students in urban areas drop out of high school in such disproportionate rates, compared to their suburban peers. In addition to documenting these causes, the students have pinpointed more effective ways to improve urban schools and keep students engaged to ensure a higher graduation rate.

The teaser below is about four minutes long, but you can also view the full 15 minute documentary at

The mission of the Abbott Leadership Institute, located on the first floor of Bradley Hall and directed by Junius Williams, is to empower parents, students, educators and community advocates of Newark Public Schools and surrounding urban communities with information and knowledge of effective methods for education advocacy and family engagement in schools. You can learn more by visiting

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