Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Your Thoughts on the Inauguration

Hi All! As you should know by now, we're going to be broadcasting the Inauguration ceremonies live today in the Robeson Center starting at 10am. Please stop by and share this moment with the Rutgers-Newark community. (for location and details)

We want to hear your thoughts about this historic event, so please comment on this post!


  1. Very Happy to see this Day

  2. I am super excited to witness this historical moment. President Obama is the change that this country needs. He has brought back HOPE to America and the World!!! May he lead with dignity, justice, and truth! GOD BLESS OBAMA!!! I support him 100%!!

  3. I am so happy that my first time voting for a President was for such a monumental person. As an African American woman, I am humbled to be living in the time that my ancestors only dreamed of. Barack Obama's presidency signifies a great and positive change for our country and our world!

    Brittany S. Hale

  4. America is finally ready to become a stronger nation and it began with change.

  5. WOW. What a great turnout today in Robeson. It was wonderful! Thank you for the food.
    And of course WOW to the whole event. The whole thing was terrific. The last speaker was so funny. PRESIDENT! Obama's speech was awe inspiring. Words can't really describe it.

  6. I listen to President Obama's Inaugural speech while driving to class. I am amazed and proud to be American. It will be a rough road to travel but we will travel it strong.

  7. I'm so happy to be part of History. We waited a long time for this. Next 4 years will bring us Change and Hope. Change for a better America and Hope that our children will be able to live in a world fill of love.

  8. How beautiful and inspiring to witness history. We, as a society, focus too much on the negative. I'm glad to see that we can come together for the greater good. Our country is truly blessed and destined for greatness. May God bless and protect Obama, his family, and our nation as we venture into an era of change.

  9. I was going to hang out in the Con Lit Clinic and finish my reading for class tomorrow - but figured that if I didn't go watch the inauguration, in 10 years when people asked, "Where were you the day Obama took his oath of office?" I wouldn't remember. So I headed downstairs - the trial room was full. The overflow had spilled into the Law Library. People were crowded around a screen - in chairs, standing, even sitting on the floor. We all laughed when Roberts flubbed his lines. We collectively chuckled when the camera panned to Bush as Obama reminded us that, "As for our common defense, we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals. Our Founding Fathers, faced with perils we can scarcely imagine, drafted a charter to assure the rule of law and the rights of man . . ." It was the very essence of Obama's speech - to stand in an institute of higher learning, famous for its dedication and commitment to the rule of law, surrounded by people from every possible walk of life. Professors, librarians, law students, undergrads and a homeless man, applauding in appreciation of the promise of a bright and beautiful future.

  10. I was sitting in the Robeson Center and i must say, the turn out was amazing. I am an African American American student @ Rutgers but when I turned around and looked out at the crowd that was there with me, It was astonishing!!!! To see a complete rainbow of faces, all there for the same reason, was great. I truly believe this country finally "gets it!!!!"

  11. Today is such a special day for everyone. I am so happy I was able to watch President Barack Obama's inauguration. His speech was inspirational and I will never forget this day!

  12. This is a very historical day that I shall never forget. The day that the nation realized and accepted that it was time for a change. I will be able to one day tell my children and their children that I witness an African-American become the 44th president of the US. President Barack Obama, a leader and inspiration for all. May God bless him and his family, the world in general!

  13. I am inspired...his choice of words left me speechless. I am looking forward for a change that I KNOW will happen...

  14. I am so proud and speechless! I am so glad Obama is in office, America spoke and I stand tall and proud to to be apart of the history we are making. My first time voting and I feel like i helped make a difference, as long as we work together we can make a difference.

  15. It was a beautiful speech BUT the following day; Obama eliminates White house lobbying? WOW, this guy is the MAN
